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X-Force DoW

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In every industry there are series of manual operational activities happens on a daily basis. The orthodox process of data logging, shift handover, step by step process visualization are time consuming that requires more manual work which includes paper, MS word, spreadsheet and other applications. Such time consuming and prone to error method put the industry at risk and reduces its efficiency.


X-Force DoW by SSM InfoTech Solutions Pvt. Ltd is the ideal solution being used by major industries in India. X-Force DoW is proven solution to be effectively used by the engineers of all different segments like operation, production, maintenance, engineering & plant laboratories.

X-Force DoW has proved it’s outstanding presence at the major industries like Indian Oil Corporation Limited, Gas Authority India Limited, Rallis India Limited (a TATA Enterprise), Micro Inks Ltd (Huber Group) & many more.


Easy to use

X-Force DoW has very simple user interface in terms of complex activities like operational data entry, past data verification in real time, remarks, incident report, quick report mailing.

Simplified logs and data visualization

DoW provides great visualization of data in the form you need. It provides most sophisticated trending view experience with features like real time trending, historical trending, multi parameter trending, trend export etc.

Time & location bound accuracy

With the features like location lock and time bound X-Force DoW can guarantee unfabricated data entries from correct location on correct time. X-Force DoW solution is enabled with Wi-Fi, RFID, and GPS services to ensure that operator is going to field or not. Also the application enforces the user to follow the configured schedule on time.

Reporting and analytics as per your standard

X-Force DoW is a customized solution which can be developed according to client's reporting and analytics requirement. Reporting options: real-time report, dashboards, live table and more.

Notifications & alerts

Along with auto mailing, scheduled reports and reports on demand X-Force DoW can provide important notification for incorrect data entry based on predefined set points.


Enterprise scalability

X-Force DoW can integrate every aspect of industrial operations from multiple processes to multiple manufacturing division located across world. All of this with seamless real time visualization.

Advanced workflow visualisation

X-Force DoW provides powerful workflow management which takes care of multiple roles and users with suitable rights and single click approvals.

Real time process monitoring with situation awareness

X-Force DoW has features like image / video visualization for exact situation awareness along with step by step process execution tracking. With the help of integration with RFID / NFC X-Force E-Logbook has assured accurate situation awareness.

Fast & accurate shift handover process

Shift handover are prone to miscommunication, misunderstanding and other human errors. Our solution nullifies the possibilities of errors during shift handover as X-Force DoW provides complete shift handover solution by cross checking important parameters with real time updates which assures efficient communication.

Integration with other IT/OT systems

X-Force Dow can be integrated with various ERP systems like SAP, Oracle, Microsoft Dymanics etc. It also communicates flawlessly with major historians, databases like SQL and other control system components like DCS, PLC or SCADA.


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Increase your operations management efficiency 

Benefits of X-Force DoW

  • Digitization of manual activities

  • Customized logbook as per user requirement

  • Wide visibility of log data

  • Shift handover

  • Android and web accessibility

  • Real-time logging

  • Save time and increase accuracy

  • Physical tracking

  • Elogbook for work permit

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Know More About
X-Force DoW

Schedule a free Demo to experience your hands on the X-Force Elogbook

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