GAIL drives improved transparency in manual field data reporting process. Reduce manual paperwork and analytics time with Tablet-Server connectivity and improved workflow.
Capturing data from field devices which are not connected to any digital / control systems.
Reduce the errors / incorrect data entry occurrence during manual paper logbook filling process.
Increase field operator’s efficiency with accurate data entry timings.
Ensuring that field operator should go to specific field area for capturing readings and report plant situation.
Simplify and standardize the report generation process from manually entered data.
Network connectivity – challenging task to connect Industrial tablet with local server without using any internal network infrastructure.
Position tracking – ensuring that field operator goes to the plant as per the schedule at respective plant area where communication signals are not up to the mark.
Complex paper Logsheet formats – the entire data entry process performs by the field operator is manual and on paper with multiple cells for data entry.
Logbook entry at one click with accuracy and security
X-Force E-Logbook solution by SSM InfoTech aspires GAIL to shift towards paperless entries with transparency in data logging by providing Android based application. Application has been completely customized according to the GAIL requirements and their standard Logbook formats.
Zone specific Industrial tablets were used for the X-Force E-Logbook Application on field that adds on the benefits of the security by sending gathered data directly on local server. To analyse and verify the captured data, user can access the X-Force E-Logbook Web-portal.

Web-portals are designed to configure the roles and accessibility of each user with respect to time-slot and Entry forms. Notification of reports can be schedule from the web-portals itself.
Over Coming the Shift Handovers:
The continuity of a plant replies on a proper handover process. Any type of weakness such as bad communication can introduce safety risk. The result might be a serious accident that could have been avoided. This is one of the Major Problem that occurs very Frequently in manual logbook .
To make shift handovers seamless and error free, the software also interfaces with the OSIsoft PI™ System™, AVEVA Historian, Aspen InfoPlus.21® (IP.21), RTDBMS,SAP® PM, SAP HR and IBM Maximo® to keep a track of all the remarks made during the shift and storing them to avoid any kind of misunderstanding during the hand over process.
A typical shift is of 8-10 hours and there are more chances of the information being over looked the X-Force E-Logbook also provides the workflow functions that allow you to define a workflow and send reports and data of a shift during the handover process so the shift changes are less prone to error and if any monitoring or action is required the responsible person of shift can act on it accordingly.
“SSM’s solution has capabilities beyond the customization which can be sync with our workflow. It has helped our industry to make a drift towards the modern trend of Industry 4.0"- GAIL India Ltd.
X-Force E-Logbook solution helps GAIL to match their goals:
Ensuring operator going to field: SSM’s solution comes with the benefits that ensures the data is genuine and has been entered from the proper location. To make this possible, the solution is enabled with current technologies such as GPS and GPRS.
Managing the operator’s schedule for data gathering: The E-Logbook application enforces user to follow the defined time slots for the data entry. Accessibility of the form can be restricted with specific time interval. It results the timely data capturing and real time situation awareness remarks.
Scheduling notification of standard reports: Configured reports on Web portal can be schedule to trigger as email reporting to the concern people. Which ease the analytics and reporting process of Logbook data.
Proper Shift Handovers: The Shift handover module in the Elogbook allows the handover process to occur seamlessly and less prone to error. It aids in proper communication by providing reports of all the saved remarks and data taken in a shift before handover.
Transparency in entire workflow – optimizing the manual process to digit with current technology use.
Fast decisions with quick analytics – removed manual logbook submission process for in charge and manual analysis for deviations.
Improved data quality – using the data validation logics and data entry suggestions with particular field operator can easily enter the readings.
Adherence to time schedule – the data entry forms can be restricted for specific time duration which enforces user to go at scheduled time and complete the standard activity.